Payment services
Bank transfer
Payment details:
SAMSTAG d.o.o.
Petrinjska 4, Split, Croatia
IBAN: HR6024020061101178062
Payment description: Your name and surname (date of stay from-to)
Bank details:
Name bank: Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
Bank address: Jadranski trg 3A,
51000 Rijeka, Croatia
City tax
Like all companies that provide accommodation in the city of Split, we are obliged to collect the city (tourist) tax. We would like to note that city tax is not taxable and is not the income of our company, but exclusively of the Tourist Boards, and we collect it exclusively as intermediaries.
City tax is charged per night / per person: 1,33 €.
Payment description: Your name and surname (date of stay from-to)
By default, the amount is 0,00EUR. Please enter the correct amount, calculated as the number of persons multiplied by 1,33 EUR multiplied by the number of days of stay.
Pets are welcome in our accommodation facility
Payment description: Your name and surname (date of stay from-to)
By default, the amount is 0,00EUR. Please enter the correct amount.
Reservation policy
By completing the reservation, you accept the Cancellation Policy
Cancellation, non-arrival, etc:
In case of cancellation, non-arrival, etc., you will be charged the amount of the requested advance payment. The advance payment for accommodation is not refundable in any case. By paying in advance, you accept our cancellation policy.
Confirmation reservation
After payment, please send a confirmation in order for the reservation to be successful.
Please send us a confirmation of payment to email:
In order for your reservation to be confirmed.
The offer is valid 24 hours from our response. In the event that the accommodation unit is no longer available, we will refund the account from which we were paid.